Knee Bursitis Recovery Time (My Experience)

bursitis in knee

First-person accounts of knee bursitis recovery time, and bursitis treatment options

Learn how to speed up recovery and understand when you should see a doctor for assistance. Understand the difference between bursitis and an infection.

Bursitis in the knee is both a common and frustrating condition to have. Knee bursitis varies wildly in its severity and can be treated in a number of different ways.

Luckily, I have suffered from multiple types of bursitis in both knees. As an athlete, I can share my experiences recovering and treating this injury.

Below, I’ll highlight knee bursitis recovery time, bursitis treatment options, and discuss what types of medical interventions are needed.

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SIBO Treatment Reviews

SIBO treatment with SIBO probiotics - SIBO xifaxan

Hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of people, suffer from SIBO. Understanding which approaches, supplements, drugs, and SIBO treatment protocols work the best can be …

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Staph Infection Treatment & Recovery FAQ

staph infection treatment - staph infection recovery - staph FAQ - staph treatment - staph recovery

In late 2016, I was diagnosed with an MRSA infection in my lower leg. It was an absolutely terrible experience and one that I spent hours on the internet researching and learning more about.

I desperately wanted to learn more about all staph infection treatment & recovery information. Unfortunately, I felt like I read the same things over and over again.

What I really wanted was pragmatic answers to some of my most burning questions. Essentially, how do I get better faster? Below you’ll find a conglomeration of my research, first-hand experience, and advice.

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MCL Sprain Recovery Time

mcl sprain recovery time

Recovery time for an MCL sprain is going to depend entirely on the grade of the sprain. There are typically three classes/grades of MCL sprains. Eloquently they are named grades 1,2, and 3. 3 is the worst.

Mutaflor Probiotic Review

lactobacillus Rhamnosus probiotic-supplement

Mutaflor The Miracle Probiotic That’s Hard To Get

In 2016, the subject of Mutaflor started appearing on health forums across the web. Many were touting it as the cure to their IBS, IBD, or other digestive or gastrointestinal disorders. I became particularly interested in this probiotic/drug (we’ll get into this in a minute) because I was recovering from IV antibiotics that had completely wrecked my system. So, what’s the deal with Mutaflor?

mutaflor probiotic

Below, I’ll highlight the proposed benefits of taking Mutaflor, discuss why it’s so hard to find/access, and dig into my own personal experiences with the probiotic. If you suffer from any sort of GI disorder I highly recommend reading this entire piece. Mutaflor is a probiotic unlike any other…

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Best Supplements for Athletes

4 best supplements for athletes with a day job

I have been training and competing in sports since I was a kid. When I was 18, I started competing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (which is a lot like wrestling/Judo). I love the sport and have competed ever since I started; however, I am also very career driven, so striking a balance isn’t always easy. I’ve had to rely on supplements to help me along the way.

4 best supplements for athletes with a day job

The key for me has always been discipline. Whether I was getting ready for a jiu Jitsu tournament or a triathlon, I was very regimented with my schedule so that I could balance training with work.

This meant optimizing every second of training, recovery, and work so that I could be at my best (both in the boardroom and on the field/track/course/mats).

Below are 5 scientifically proven supplements that helped me along the way

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Finger Dislocation Treatment and Recovery (My Experience)

finger dislocation treatment and training

In May of 2015, I dislocated my middle finger on my right hand doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I had previously jammed and injured the finger multiple times, but in this instance, I had a total finger dislocation.

I subsequently went on to injure the same finger multiple times over the following 8-12 months. Despite acute efforts to heal the finger, I was unable to keep it from continuing to dislocate.

finger dislocation treatment and training

Below is my experience with physicians on the subject, how I was able to treat the finger, and my strategy for training through the injury. Additionally, I describe a little bit more about the nature of my particular injury.

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